How to Run Command Prompt Commands from a Windows Shortcut

If you find yourself frequently using Command Prompt commands on your Windows computer, creating shortcuts can save you time and streamline your workflow. By creating a shortcut that directly executes a Command Prompt command, you can avoid the need to manually type out commands every time you need to run them. Follow these steps to run Command Prompt commands from a Windows shortcut:

  1. Create a Shortcut: Right-click on your desktop or in a folder, go to New, and select Shortcut.
  2. Enter the Command: In the location field, enter cmd.exe /k YourCommandHere. Replace YourCommandHere with the Command Prompt command you want to run.
  3. Name Your Shortcut: Give your shortcut a descriptive name related to the command it will run.
  4. Run the Shortcut: Double-click on the shortcut to run the Command Prompt command immediately.

Running Command Prompt commands from a shortcut is a convenient way to automate repetitive tasks or access specific commands quickly. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, utilizing shortcuts can enhance your Windows experience and boost your efficiency. Try creating shortcuts for commonly used commands to streamline your workflow and save time.