Cygwin Command Cheat Sheet

If you are looking to navigate the Cygwin environment with ease, a Cygwin command cheat sheet can be your best friend. Cygwin provides a Unix-like environment on Windows, allowing users to run powerful commands for various tasks.

Basic Navigation

Here are some essential commands for navigating through the Cygwin environment:

  • cd – Change directory
  • pwd – Print working directory
  • ls – List directory contents

File Manipulation

When it comes to handling files in Cygwin, these commands will come in handy:

  • cp – Copy files
  • mv – Move files
  • rm – Remove files


Managing file permissions is crucial, and these commands will allow you to do so:

  • chmod – Change file permissions
  • chown – Change file owner
  • chgrp – Change file group


For networking tasks, Cygwin offers commands like:

  • ping – Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
  • ssh – OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
  • scp – Secure copy (remote file copy program)

With this cheat sheet at your disposal, you can streamline your workflow in the Cygwin environment and become more efficient in using its powerful features.